Kisumu’s Urban Renewal: Makasembo Estate Demolition Paves Way for Sh3.5 Billion Housing Megaproject!

Between 2020 and 2022, the Kisumu County government undertook a transformative journey, engaging in a series of demolitions that have been pivotal in reshaping the urban landscape of the region. This decisive action, part of a comprehensive strategy to fight corruption, reclaim illegally occupied lands, and foster new investments in public health and economic development, has led to significant changes across Kisumu, including the notable redevelopment of the Makasembo estate.

The initiative aimed at clearing businesses within the city, demolishing Kibuye Market during the COVID-19 pandemic, and targeting 32 apartments worth Sh180 million for demolition, was underpinned by a vision for modern infrastructure and housing solutions that could meet the evolving needs of Kisumu’s residents.

The demolition of the Makasembo estate, a project set to replace over 100-year-old dilapidated council housing with 1,800 modern one, two, and three-bedroom units, stands as a hallmark of this urban renewal effort.

With an investment of Sh3.5 billion, sourced from the county government and a pension fund, the project was meticulously planned to provide affordable housing while revitalizing the urban landscape. The initiative was not just about physical transformation but also about supporting the affected residents through a considerate compensation plan.

Each resident of the Makasembo estate was compensated with Sh96,000, amounting to a total of approximately Sh12 million, facilitated by the Lapfund Retirement Benefits Scheme. This scheme, catering to employees of County Governments and associated institutions, underscores the government’s commitment to a humane and responsible approach to redevelopment.

Upon completion, former Makasembo estate tenants will be given priority when it comes to house occupancy. Through it’s Governor, Professor Anyang Nyong’o, the County governmnet has promised to find ways of helping former residents of Makasembo settle in the new apartment blocks including those with financial challenges.

The involvement of the LAPFUND Retirement Benefits Scheme in the compensation process highlights a successful model of public-private partnership in urban redevelopment projects. By ensuring the welfare of displaced residents, Kisumu County has set a benchmark for responsible urban renewal strategies.

The project, is almost complete and promises to provide modern and affordable housing options for the citizens. It represents a significant step towards a sustainable and economically vibrant urban environment. Through these efforts, Kisumu demonstrates a forward-looking approach to urban planning, balancing development needs with the support and well-being of its residents, thereby paving the way for a promising future for the city and its inhabitants.

Kisumu City News


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