Sweeping Night-time Raid: Kisumu’s Bars and Nightclubs Shut Down in UDA Crackdown

In a significant move to enforce regulatory compliance, several bars and nightclubs in Kisumu have been closed down following a comprehensive crackdown by security agencies. This operation, initiated on Thursday, is a response to directives from Interior Cabinet Secretary (CS) Prof. Kithure Kindiki concerning the sale of alcoholic drinks. Under the leadership of Kisumu Central Deputy County Commissioner Bosec Lang’at, the operation targeted establishments operating without licenses and those violating operational hours, spurred by public complaints.

Prominent establishments such as Mamba, Da Vunduba, Ottro Lounge, and Liquor Bistro were among those shut down. Proprietors of the affected businesses have expressed their dismay, claiming unfair treatment despite adherence to regulations. Dan Ouma, Chairman of the Kisumu County Bar, Hotels, and Liquor Traders Association of Kenya (BAHLITA), voiced concerns about the lack of communication from the authorities regarding the closures, noting that many proprietors were taken by surprise.

Collins Okoth, Kisumu County Director of Alcoholic Beverages, Liquor Licensing, Betting, and Gaming Control, revealed that the majority of the shuttered establishments lacked proper licensing. He stated that his office would commence verification of all issued licenses starting Monday to ensure operation legitimacy. Okoth highlighted that some licensed bars and nightclubs exceeded operational hours and engaged in illegal activities, including the sale of bhang, illicit brews, and shisha.

The crackdown also focuses on bars located within residential areas and those situated too close to schools and learning institutions, violating legal distance requirements. The law mandates a minimum distance of 300 meters from schools, yet some bars are located as close as 50 meters away.

Kisumu Central Sub-County leads with the highest number of bars, totaling 77, followed by Nyando (20), Kisumu East (16), Muhoroni (13), and Seme (10). This operation is part of a broader campaign to restore sanity and ensure compliance within the sector, with the national government firmly supporting efforts to curb impunity.

Kisumu City News

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