Young Kisumu Entrepreneur “Making a Killing” With Exotic Flower Vases

Everybody loves flowers because they make the environment beautiful. However, if you don’t have a flower garden and you are seeking to make your living environment exquisite, the only way of making this happen is to get yourself a flower vase. As Covid-19 pandemic continues to impact the economic lives of Kenyans, a young Kenyan entrepreneur has come up with a brilliant idea of bringing the beauty of flowers to the home or workplace. James Osewe, an ambitious and dazzling young Kenyan with a firm base in Kisumu city, has…

Covid-19 Cases Sour in Kisumu City as Residents Panic and County Government Reacts

Cases of Covid-19 have suddenly soured in Kisumu city creating panic that the whole of the county’s population might be on the verge of “mass infection” with the attendant consequence of mass deaths across the county. In the last week alone, 1,610 cases have been confirmed as positive out of 16,562 tests, with 99% of the infections having been confirmed to have emanated from community infections. Out of those infected, 39 infections were reported to involve 16 schools and 23 teachers. Since the outbreak of the pandemic, 45 lives have…

Covid-19 Pandemic Has Reduced Revenue Collection in Kisumu County by over Ksh 600 Million Says Governor Anyang Nyongo

According to professor Anyan Nyongo, the County government of Kisumu is facing a financial down-turn after it missed its annual revenue collection target by Ksh 634 million. The County had projected a revenue collection of Ksh 1.4 billion for 2019/2020 financial but only raked in Ksh 804,387,971. Nyongo made the announcement at the Mama grace Onyango social Hall where he made his third state-of-the-count address. The Governor said that the County has consistently been falling short in its revenue collection for the last six years. This year’s short-fall follows another…

Kisumu Mega Plaza’s Occupants Scamper to Safety as Tower “Trembles and Cracks”

It was a calm Saturday afternoon when Kisumu’s Mega Plaza located at Oginga Odinga street started shaking at around 3.00 pm, triggering a major stampede as occupants scampered to safety. Experts who arrived at the building to inspect it discovered that one of the floors of the two-tower building had developed a crack. One tower has 16 floors while the second tower has 17. The cause of the crack could not immediately be established. Kisumu County government, through Abala Wanga, the acting City Manager, sent experts to the scene as…

Kisumu Kiosk Owners Face More demolitions as City Prepares for 2021 Africities Festival

KISUMU, KENYA: More than 50 rоаdѕіdе kіоѕkѕ thаt dоt Kisumu Cоuntу hаvе bееn dеmоlіѕhеd іn the оngоіng ѕесоnd рhаѕе beautification рrоgrаmmе іn thе сіtу аhеаd оf thе 2021 Africities mееtіng. Spot сhесk аrоund thе сіtу оn Wеdnеѕdау fоund thе County bulldozers рuѕhіng, dіggіng, еxсаvаtіng, and lеvеllіng soil and dеbrіѕ at various wоrk ѕіtеѕ іn thе posh Mlіmаnі, Mоuntаіn vіеw, and Juakali zones. Aссоrdіng tо асtіng Kіѕumu Cіtу Manager Abala Wаngа the rераіr оf ѕіdеwаlk ways, tаrmасkіng, аnd rераіr оf еѕtаtе and сіtу іnrоаdѕ іѕ еxресtеd tо bе complete by еnd…