Nyanza’s Sugarcane Farmers Defy Repayment: A Battle Over Sh3.7 Billion Loans

The Kenyan government is grappling with a potential financial setback as sugarcane farmers, particularly in the Nyanza region, refuse to repay loans amounting to Sh3.7 billion. These loans, issued by the Commodities Fund, were intended to support agricultural improvement and operations. However, local political promises of loan forgiveness have fueled the farmers’ defiance. The Kisumu Sugar Belt Cooperative Union and the Muhoroni Multipurpose Cooperative Union, alongside Muhoroni Sugar Company, are major debtors. This defiance underscores the broader frustrations of sugarcane farmers who have long felt exploited, especially in Nyanza. These…

Spectacular Sh5 Billion Anderson Estate Project Set to Transform Kisumu’s Housing Landscape

Kisumu city is on the brink of a transformative housing revolution with the launch of the Sh5 billion Anderson Estate. Spearheaded by the Local Authorities Pensions Trust (LAPTRUST) and the County Provident Fund (CPF), this ambitious project aims to deliver over 1,200 affordable housing units, addressing the critical shortage of homes in this vibrant lakeside city. At the heart of this visionary endeavor is the esteemed architect Peter Wasilwa, whose designs promise a blend of modernity and elegance. The housing blocks, soaring up to the 16th floor, will feature a…

Former ICT Principal Secretary Defends Move to Kisumu County Role Amidst Intense Scrutiny by MCAs

Former Information Communication Technology (ICT) and Innovation Principal Secretary (PS) Jerome Ochieng found himself under scrutiny as he defended his decision to accept a nomination for a county-level position, a move seen by some as a step down from his previous high-profile national role. During the vetting session, Market Milimani Ward MCA Seth Kanga voiced a common concern, questioning why Ochieng, who once oversaw national projects worth billions of shillings as the Accounting Officer for the State Department of ICT and Innovation, would opt for the position of County Executive…

Lake Victoria Authority’s Mega-Mall Dream Turns Into a Ksh 4.5 Billion Financial Nightmare

In a striking revelation to the National Assembly Departmental Committee on Regional Development, Lake Victoria Development Authority’s (LBDA) Managing Director, CPA Wycliffe Ochiaga, unveiled the daunting fiscal challenge the authority faces. The LBDA is grappling with a staggering Sh. 2.5 billion loan taken from Cooperative Bank to construct the monumental Lake Basin Mall in Kisumu City—a financial burden that has ballooned to a hefty Sh. 4.5 billion due to accruing interest and penalties. Initiated on August 7, 2013, the construction of the mall, a landmark project and one of the…

Catastrophic Floods Unleash Havoc in Kisumu County: Urgent Calls for Government Action as Hundreds are Displaced

Kisumu County in western Kenya is grappling with severe flooding, prompting urgent calls for governmental intervention. Residents, particularly from the hardest-hit areas, are appealing to both the national and county governments to take immediate action to alleviate the crisis by clearing clogged drainage systems and redirecting river flows back to their natural courses. The crisis has been precipitated by the overflowing of River Nyando, which has led to extensive damage across several villages. Maurice Akoko, a clan elder from Kochogo village, highlighted the severity of the situation, noting that multiple…

Kenya’s Election Rigging Mastermind Chebukati Serously Sick: Terminal Fate or Devine Retribution?

Wafula Chebukati, the disgraced Chairman of the Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission (IEBC), finds himself ensnared in the grip of illness, teetering on the precipice of mortality. Whispers in the corridors of power suggest a dire state of health, as he languishes within the confines of Nairobi Hospital, later to be whisked away to the esteemed halls of Aga Khan Hospital for specialized care. Reports even dare to speculate that he’s been clandestinely transported to the distant shores of Germany, seeking solace in the arms of expert healers. This is…

Champion of the Press: William Oloo Janak Wins Prestigious 2023 Media Freedom Award

Amid the tumultous tides of Kenya’s media landscape, a figure emerges, illuminated by the resplendent glow of integrity and relentless advocacy—a beacon of journalistic valor and a stalwart defender of the press. William Oloo Janak, recently crowned with the prestigious “Media Freedom Award 2023” by the Kenya Editors Guild, embodies the quintessence of dedication and passion for the sacrosanct cause of media freedom in Kenya. A career spanning over a quarter-century as a print journalist has not only seasoned Janak but also cemented his reputation as an incisive columnist and…

The Shadows of Kodera Forest: A Tragic Tale of Sharon Otieno and Delayed Justice in Kenyan Courts

In the macabre arena of Kenyan criminal cases, few have gripped the national psyche as enduringly as the murder of Sharon Otieno. Her tragic demise—a stark portrayal of betrayal, unspoken secrets, and a justice system beleaguered by delays—unfolds in the shadowy depths of Kodera Forest, a setting that might have been plucked from the darkest fables, but is all too real in its grim detail. The narrative commences in September 2018, when Sharon Otieno, then pregnant, was found brutally murdered, her body a silent testament to the savagery she endured.…

Raila Odinga to Grace Kisumu Festac Festival 24: Titans of Culture to Ignite the Flame of Heritage

From the 20th to the 26th of May, 2024, the vibrant city of Kisumu will play host to a prestigious gathering unlike any other—the Festac Africa Festival. Esteemed personalities from across the globe will descend upon this dynamic locale, each bringing a unique blend of expertise, passion, and vision. Leading the illustrious lineup is none other than His Excellency, Hon. Rtd. Raila Odinga, whose presence not only elevates the event but also reinforces the festival’s core message: “Muacha Mila Ni Mtumwa”—a Swahili proverb meaning “He who abandons his culture loses…

Kisumu’s Cultural Kaleidoscope: Unveiling the 2nd Face of Mama Grace Onyango Modeling Contest and Festac Africa Festival 2024

As the curtains rise on a scintillating week of culture, empowerment, and artistic spectacle, Kisumu city, renowned for its vibrant cultural heritage, proudly announces the eagerly anticipated events at the Mama Grace Onyango Cultural and Social Centre. Among the highlighted events is the illustrious 2nd Face of Mama Grace Onyango Modeling Show Contest, slated for May 11th, 2024. This dazzling contest not only showcases the beauty and talents of Kisumu’s finest but also heralds a week-long celebration that promises to enrapture and inspire. To be held from 9:00 AM to…