Kisumu Water and Sanitation Transformation: Epic Sh. 2.9 Billion Water and Sewer Project Set to Skyrocket Living Conditions

In a groundbreaking development for Kisumu City, the region is poised for a transformative boost in water supply and sanitation services thanks to a comprehensive Sh. 2.9 billion expansion program. Funded by an international consortium including the French Development Agency (AFD), European Investment Bank (EIB), European Union (EU), and the Government of Kenya, this initiative is set to revolutionize the living standards for over 120,000 residents in the western corridor of Kisumu City and its burgeoning satellite towns. The ambitious project, which is spearheaded by the Lake Victoria South Water…

Major Facelift for Kisumu’s Informal Settlements: A Massive Sh1.3 Billion Slum Upgrade Project Rolling in Manyatta, Bandani…

Kisumu County is set to witness a transformative facelift in six of its informal settlements, thanks to a substantial financial injection of Sh1.3 billion from the World Bank and the French Development Agency (AFD). This funding, allocated through the Kenya Informal Settlements Improvement Project’s second phase (KISIP 2), aims to significantly enhance the quality of life for residents in these areas by improving infrastructure and access to essential services. The project’s focal points include the overhaul of the road network, ensuring residents have access to clean piped water, and enhancing…

Kisumu Ignites the Digital Future: Africa’s First World Talent Conference Set for Lakeside City in August 2025!

Kisumu, a vibrant city nestled on the shores of Lake Victoria, is on the cusp of making history by hosting the inaugural World Talent Conference in Africa in August 2025. This landmark event, a tapestry of collaboration woven by 01Talent Africa, LakeHub, the County Government of Kisumu, and UCLG Africa, is poised to illuminate the continent with the brilliance of innovation and talent development. The conference stands as a beacon of hope and a catalyst for change, heralding a new era of digital enlightenment across Africa. At the heart of…

From Decline to Prosperity: Kisumu’s LBDA Rice Mill Complex Set for Top Upgrade with Modern Milling Machine

In a significant development aimed at enhancing the rice production capacity in the Lake Victoria Basin, the government is nearing the completion of installing a modern rice milling machine at the Lake Victoria Basin Authority (LBDA) Rice Mill Complex in Kisumu. East Africa Community and Regional Development Cabinet Secretary (CS) Penninah Malonza announced that the state-of-the-art milling equipment is expected to be operational within three weeks, with an official commissioning ceremony to be led by President Dr. William Ruto. During a recent visit to the facility to monitor the progress…

Kisumu’s Urban Renewal: Makasembo Estate Demolition Paves Way for Sh3.5 Billion Housing Megaproject!

Between 2020 and 2022, the Kisumu County government undertook a transformative journey, engaging in a series of demolitions that have been pivotal in reshaping the urban landscape of the region. This decisive action, part of a comprehensive strategy to fight corruption, reclaim illegally occupied lands, and foster new investments in public health and economic development, has led to significant changes across Kisumu, including the notable redevelopment of the Makasembo estate. The initiative aimed at clearing businesses within the city, demolishing Kibuye Market during the COVID-19 pandemic, and targeting 32 apartments…

Kisumu Aga Khan Hospital Unveils $19 Million Expansion: Facility Acquires Prestigious Level 5 Certification and Advanced Neonatal and Sleep Labs

The Aga Khan Hospital in Kisumu, Kenya, has undergone a monumental expansion, significantly enhancing the healthcare landscape for the Lake Region’s populace. Originally a 70-bed facility, it has been transformed into a 123-bed secondary hospital equipped with cutting-edge diagnostic services. This ultra-modern establishment now boasts a dedicated Accidents and Emergency Unit, an expanded Intensive Care Unit, the region’s inaugural Neonatal Intensive Care Unit, and its first Sleep Lab equipped with advanced technology for diagnosing and treating sleep disorders. Achieving the prestigious Level 5 certification from SafeCare Health Standards, the highest…

Kisumu’s County Governmnet Unveils High-Tech Surveillance Revolution: 2,500 Cameras to Combat Crime Wave

Kisumu City, Kenya’s third-largest metropolis, has embarked on a transformative security initiative to curb the escalating crime rate and enhance public safety. City Manager Abala Wanga unveiled an ambitious plan to install 2,500 CCTV cameras across the city, marking a significant leap in Kisumu’s approach to urban surveillance. This move is a departure from the city’s previous reliance on privately owned surveillance systems, which were deemed inadequate for comprehensive monitoring. The initiative is underpinned by a meticulously crafted geospatial plan, pinpointing strategic locations for the camera installations. This extensive network…

Global Opportunities Knock as Kisumu Polytechnic Launches State-of-the-Art Textile Training Hub

In a significant stride towards bolstering the textile industry within the region, the Kisumu National Polytechnic is on the brink of launching a Sh1.2 billion textile technology factory, a venture funded by the World Bank through the EAST Africa Skills for Transformation and Regional Integration Project (EASTRIP). This ambitious project aims to nurture skills and competencies essential for driving the sector forward, focusing on high-quality training, problem-solving, research, innovation, and technology transfer. According to Catherine Kelonye, the Chief Principal of Kisumu National Polytechnic, the construction of this state-of-the-art facility is…

Raila Odinga Commissions KIWASCO Mega Building in Kisumu City

On February 5, 2024, Raila Odinga, the leader of the Azimio la Umoja – One Kenya coalition, took a significant step forward for Kisumu by inaugurating the new headquarters of the Kisumu Water and Sanitation Company (KIWASCO), a government building. The ceremony, marked by Odinga’s presence in an all-white ensemble, also featured the attendance of Kisumu Governor Anyang Nyong’o among various political dignitaries. This event highlighted a pivotal advancement for the city, underscoring the critical themes of sustainable water management and the conservation of the environment. The edifice that now…

Thousands of Wathorego Residents Plunged Into Darkness as KPLC Transformer Explodes During Heavy Downpour in Kisumu City

Thousands of Kajulu Residents Plunged Into Absolute Darkness as PKLC Transformer Explodes Following Heavy Downpour in Kisumu City KPLC-Transformer behind Disciples of Mercy Vocational Training suffered a massive explosion on Monday evening following a heavy downpour, plunging Wathorego area into absolute darkness throughout the night. The transformer, which serves more than 100 homes around Wathorego location in Kajulu Ward, is notorious for switching itself on and off with every downpour. Narrating the predicament of residents in the area, Michael, a resident of Wathorego, told Kisumu City News that  “ever since…